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Jun 22, 2020

The Trump Administration is banning federal pension funds from investing in China. But many pensions still do. In fact, you might be invested in China without even knowing. China makes up a huge chunk of Emerging Markets. And an authoritarian regime using slave labor and covering up the coronavirus, might not be a...

Jun 15, 2020

Zoom was asked to shutdown calls about the Tiananmen Square Massacre and they did. They also suspended the accounts of a Hong Kong activist, and Tiananmen Square survivor Zhou Fengsuo. Zhou joins us today to talk about how his account got suspend. Plus, Twitter uncovers thousands of fake China bot accounts...

Jun 8, 2020

The Chinese Communist Party is exploiting the George Floyd Protest, police corruption, and systemic racism as the latest propaganda narrative in their war of words with the United States. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has called them out. But is China's propaganda working?

Jun 1, 2020

China's National People's Congress is pushing ahead with a national security law for Hong Kong that could make criticism of the Chinese Communist Party illegal. It also comes as the Hong Kong Legislative Council forces through a national anthem law that would make criticizing the CCP's national anthem illegal. Noticing...